Life Celebrations & Funerals

I help facilitate meaningful heart opening ceremonies that pay honest tribute to the life that was lived.

When our people die, we inevitably feel a void as we miss their presence in our lives, but it’s comforting to acknowledge that the extent to which we loved our person is relative to the amount of grief we are likely to feel when they are gone. Grief and Love are twins, woven together from the beginning of time.

A funeral ceremony is a powerfully charged space for everyone to move through their emotions together, for family, friends and community to lean in as we metabolise our sorrow. It’s also a golden opportunity to reflect and connect with memories and moments shared, and to find and illuminate the legacy that has been left behind.

I will carefully engage with all parties, as directed, so that a meaningful ceremony is co-created.

A ceremony that is relevant, graceful and speaks to the essence of the person (or pet) who has died.


“There is some strange intimacy between grief and aliveness, some sacred exchange between what seems unbearable and what is most exquisitely alive” Francis Weller


“We met Susie in the most darkest of days. We had lost our newborn baby days prior, and found ourselves in a place we didn’t want to be. Planning our baby’s funeral, wasn’t how it was supposed to be. The thought of it was crippling. But then we met Susie.

Susie brought so much love and care into planning our little girl’s farewell. She brought in a team of people who made our ceremony by the beach simply perfect. Susie listened to our stories, our beliefs and our wishes and was able to translate into the most heartfelt ceremony. She took us on a journey to remember and celebrate Elke’s short little life, and managed to leave everyone feeling a little bit better than when they arrived.

Susie is a truly beautiful soul and we will be forever grateful that we found her. We trusted Susie implicitly to create a ceremony that honoured the love we had for our baby girl. She managed to turn the most tragic of events, into a day that will be forever etched into our memory as a day full of love and hope.

Thank you Susie, we owe you so much."

Emma & Leon Bowes